Story are told from Movies, books, music, news, media, religions, architecture and paintings. These days storys are everywhere aspecilly in reality programme (big brother, im a celbraty) and in audiction programme (X Factor, Britins got talent) it makes the audience care about the person if there past is told and it is intersting. These days you need a exciting past story to get viewers and fans for example 'The X Factor' everyone that goes on stage comes out with a sob story to get the audience to feel for them and to get the audience's vote (contribute a performance to thier nan or ill relitive, say thier ill or bring thier kids on stage est) things to make the audience to go soft, i think its bad and unappropreate how if you dont have a sob story you wont be liked or recnoized and some people come out with lies and it is basically to make the audience feel sorry for them.
Britain's Olympic gold medal winning, Jessica Ennis, holds her MBE alongside her parents Alison and Vinny, once again the audience are thinking her parents must be so proud of her, i wonder what they do est.. and want to know more of her life story. Here is a quote from the telegram 'Jessica put her wedding on hold until after the 2012 Games in order to avoid "any distractions" to her Olympic training. Her boyfriend popped the question on Christmas Eve 2010'. Once again just to be liked for more fans.
Storytelling is ancient there is no set date from the first story told. Back in the day where there was no writing books or technolige, all man had was his memory, a good story teller was always respected, there is not respect for story telling now its turned fake and growing technoige has topped it on the entertaining side, entertainment started of with reading a good story book and now its tv, x box games, pc's est..
Family storytelling has changed maybe because of shame or not interresting another for modan life stylyed genirations, If we knew all good, all bad about our ancesters storys we may be disipointed or not excited but back in those days being a sewing technion or post man might of been exciting.
The history of storytelling reveals that the stories came in all variety. Myths, legands of all kinds, fairy tales, trickster stories, ghost tales, hero stories, epic adventures. These days our modern storys are about our days or an experiance no exciting adventures or hero's involved but there is more story telling now than there was in olden days, tiny stories we call 'tweets' and 'status' on our socail networks 'twiter' and 'facebook' est.. Social network has changed storytelling we exzaduate what we are doing and make it seem funny and exciting by puting things like 'lol' and 'hahaha', 'omg'. Even if you are not online people still know what you are doing though people taging you in status 'cheers for a good weekend at the....' and Tagged in photos, people always know your personal information even people you dont know (what your doing, where, who with, who you are), social network is not private, any one can know your story and pretain that they know you, social network is danagous, wheather your online or not storys are being created about you. When writing a tweet or status who are we actually writing it to? we are just creating a story of what we are doing to get 'likes' and comments.
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