These storys that the year 13's came up with are based on four Irish Tails
- Controlling moves at old witches house to music = worked well, witch controlled boy with her hands covering above him, leaning over him
It made the sound reconizable for when the witch came on, it brought a magical creepy mood to the production, also controlling the boys moves though her hands i thought worked well, it showed she had control over him.
- They overlapped their speaking at times, it looked like mistakes and was difficult to follow what was going on.
- Chracters = The boy dont know chracters name but Dileo the actor, his chractor was convicing the emotions and confusion shown was believable, didnt know much about the chractor personal but knew that he had a step mum he did not get on with, and she set him a challenge to get the bird that the feather came from. The step mum's projection was good because i understood what she was saying, could see she was angry and frustrated at the boy, didnt know anything about her ever but she was convicing.
An extra scene could be put in about her maybe the time she took on the responsiblitly of not just a husband but a son, or a scene of her and the witch, what is the deal they made? why? whats in it for the both of them ?
- The boys friend i could not hear well i didnt really understand her chracter, i thought she need more projection, and her and the boy overlapped their convosation.
- The witch i liked how everytime she came on mistical music came on, it made her misterisos, i wanted to know more about her, why was she doing this to the boy?, and her story, i liked it at first when she didnt speck i thought it was buliding up to her story but she didnt talk thoughout.
After a couple of times shes seen i think id be good for her to speck maybe boy enters her house and finds out the story behind her doors.
I Found this play confusing, didnt really understand it thoughout or after all i understood was the witch controlled the boy, there was a deal between the step mum and witch, and the step mum wanted the boy to catch the bird the feather came from, i like how they used music for the audience to reconize when whenever the witch came on and how she controlled him hovering over him, i think it could be developed further extra scenes with back storys of the witch, step mum and boy.
Birds assume a variety of roles in mythology and religion. They play a central part in some creation myths and frequently appear as messengers of the
deities. They are often associated with the journey of the human soul after death. Birds also appear as
tricksters and
oracles. Ravens and other species that feed on carrion, the flesh of the dead, may be symbols of war, death, and misfortune, as well as
mediators between humans and the supernatural world. Other birds represent strength, love, and wisdom. Rising above the earth and soaring through the skies, birds have been symbols of power and freedom throughout the ages. In many myths and legends, birds link the human world to the divine or
supernatural realms that lie beyond ordinary experience.
- Chracter = son/Fin i thought he was a convincing chracter he was a convicning child trying to catch the attantion of his parents coming in between them, geting right in their faces. mum and dad came across as quit boring, strict was not intrested in Fins break dancing, the mum showed her jealously for the Fin and dads relationship, i understood that she was a witch and has never used her pwoers before till now,
- i likes the narration the story telling by Saint Patrice the preast whilst it was being acted out by other actors ,
- i like the frozen moment and the story being told of whos who it made the play more intresting and clearier.
- I did not uderstand what Fin had been turned in to, i thought it was a statue hed been turned in to but it was said at the end it was a snaw
when we got turned he stood on to chairs and stood still instead of this he could be walking around flapping bird like instead of staying in the same spot for years.
- I liked the use of the blue fabric shown as wind and rain, showed the atmoshpere drop to cold and horrid and showed the hard times he went though
- The step mums words jumbled at the end and it was obvaous that it was a mistake because she smiled and her eyes opened wide to another performer
I thought times it was good, times there was alot going on with the step mum talking and the son break dancing, my attention was focused on the dancing, not the speech, this could be developed by maybe Fin freezing his dancing whilst the step mum talks, I like the frozen moment of the family on their picknick, tenction was shown between the step mum, Fin and Liam, i liked how the preast narrated when they froze and explained hows how and what was going on, it made it easyier to understand. I did not understand what Fin had been turned into, he stood on a chair and held the same postion, as years went by he held the same postion i thought as the audience he was a statue but apparently he was turned into a swan, i think this could be shown clear, overall i thought it was good room for inprovement.
Saint Patrice
![Scenes of Ireland](
Patrick is most known the world over for having driven the snakes from
Ireland. Different tales tell of his standing upon a hill, using a wooden staff
to drive the serpents into the sea, banishing them forever from the shores of
Ireland. One legend says that one old serpent resisted, but the saint overcame
it by cunning. He is said to have made a box and invited the reptile to enter.
The snake insisted the box was too small and the discussion became very heated.
Finally the snake entered the box to prove he was right, whereupon St. Patrick
slammed the lid and cast the box into the sea. While it is true there are no
snakes in Ireland, chances are that there never have been since the time the
island was seperated from the rest of the continent at the end of the ice age.
As in many old pagan religions serpent symbols were common, and possibly even
worshipped. Driving the snakes from Ireland was probably symbolic of putting an
end to that pagan practice.
While not the first to bring Christianity to Ireland, it was Patrick who
encountered the Druids at Tara and abolished their pagan rites. He converted the
warrior chiefs and princes, baptizing them and thousands of their subjects in
the Holy Wells which still bear that name.
Neil = fishermen
- I like the use of the ukaylayle thoughout this play
It showed his and the atmospheres mood though the speed and tempo that he was playing for example his mum and dad praysing him, his dad says he is proud of neil, neils friends around he plays his ukaylayle upbeat, happy bonuey and then when his dad dies everyone fades away, moving on out his life the music slows right down to sad and slow to a stop.
- The narration and signs of emotions i thought was good
It helpt the audience understand the emotions going on whilst music was playing (neil meets his perfect women travels with her gain children performed a short dance of traveling and tipical family behaviour were going on i thought it was all was good, it was entertaining, clever, and humourous.
Tipical family behaviour traveling performed well, everyday movements (siping tea, pointing, children widing each other up, parents getting frusted est) expressed in dance form
- Neil older, mature, worried about money, sensible, boring old man. His wife leaves feeling excitment is lost in their relationship, the children blame Neil (their father) over powering him they overlapp their speaking but using that like their his thought's in Neils mind building up
Stressful moment of Neil in shock about his wife leaving him and their two children, and worry of his children blaming him, stressful bulid up
the children overlapping blamful words to him overlooking him
I thought it was good i enjoyed the traveling dance sekwins with the emotions held up for the audience to see, i thought that was clever because music was playing their was no talking in the traveling bit you knew what was going on though the acting/miming and the boards with the emotions shown.
Those in Shetland and Orkney Islands who know no better, are persuaded that
the seals, or silkies, as they call them, can doff their coverings at times, and
disport themselves as men and women. A fisher once turning a ridge of rock,
discovered a beautiful bit of green turf adjoining the shingle, sheltered by
rocks on the landward side, and over this turf and shingle two beautiful women
chasing each other. Just at the man's feet lay two seal-skins, one of which he
took up to examine it. The women, catching sight of him, screamed out, and ran
to get possession of the skins. One seized the article on the ground, donned it
in a thrice, and plunged into the sea; the other wrung her hands, cried, and
begged the fisher to restore her property; but he wanted a wife, and would not
throw away the chance. He wooed her so earnestly and lovingly, that she put on
some woman's clothing which he brought her from his cottage, followed him home,
and became his wife. Some years later, when their home was enlivened by the
presence of two children, the husband awaking one night, heard voices in
conversation from the kitchen. Stealing softly to the room door, he heard his
wife talking in a low tone with some one outside the window. The interview was
just at an end, and he had only time to ensconce himself in bed, when his wife
was stealing across the room. He was greatly disturbed, but determined to do or
say nothing till he should acquire further knowledge. Next evening, as he was
returning home by the strand, he spied a male and female phoca sprawling on a
rock a few yards out at sea. The rougher animal, raising himself on his tail and
fins, thus addressed the astonished man in the dialect spoken in these
islands:--"You deprived me of her whom I was to make my companion; and it was
only yesternight that I discovered her outer garment, the loss of which obliged
her to be your wife. I bear no malice, as you were kind to her in your own,
fashion; besides, my heart is too full of joy to hold any malice. Look on your
wife for the last time." The other seal glanced at him with all the shyness and
sorrow she could force into her now uncouth features; but when the bereaved'
husband rushed toward the rock to secure his lost treasure, she and her
companion were in the water on the other side of it in a moment, and the poor
fisherman was obliged to return sadly to his motherless children and desolate
- I thought the music bit where their pushing and suving each other in a girlie banter way was good
It was humourous and was clear of their age and relationship.
- The banter towards each other i thought worked well, sarcasem showed age and was houmourous
- The chractors soated well with the scarcasem
- Words jumbeled up = second speaker but hiden and moved on
More rehearal, praticing lines
- I thought the interaction with the audience was humourous 'Do you think im fat?', and 'have you heard?'
It put the audience on the spot, the audience found it humourous, and it kept the audience in the involved
- What i thought didnt work = The guy at the end talking about a story dragged, it was meant to drag because the others fell asleep but it still dragged for the audience i thought.
He could shorten his speech and make it more intresting for the audience, make it funny
I thought it was humourous they used the right age frame i thought for this audience using the same age frame as the audience conenneted to the audience. involving the audience was good asking them questions geting the audience involved the audience feel involved, i think it needs some more in the areas of the male speech i think it needs to be shortened and more intresting for the audince and lines need to be clearier this can be sorted out with rehearals/pratice.
I enjoyed this performance i thought it was very entertaining, it was humourous and we were perfect audience for it, shooted the age they went for in their chracters, i thought the guy telling a story dragged to far even tho it was meant to drag a littlie for the others to fall asleep, his speach got boring for the audience i thought.
![Finn MacCool Finn MacCool](
Finn MacCool is a mythological warrior that appears in several Irish legends. One popular story tells of a salmon that knew all of the world’s knowledge. Finn decided to eat the Salmon to gain the knowledge. As he was cooking the fish, juice squirted out and burned Finn’s thumb. Finn stuck his thumb in his mouth to stop the pain and instantly learned the knowledge the salmon carried. From then on, anytime Finn sucked his thumb he gained whatever knowledge he was seeking