Tuesday 25 September 2012

Musical Theatre Story telling 25/09/2012

Musical Theatre : Story Telling

Our group: The fisherman and the Bottle
Abbi Powell and I

We used the 6 sense
  • Taste- 'Bitter sea water splashed in face, in mouth'
  • Touch- 'old man's ruff skin', 'Of heavy, rusty and wet bottle', Genie's 'raver sharp finger nails that would stab you in the eye' and the touch/ feeling of the bottle and other found objects 'muddy, dirty, rusty'.
  • The Mood of the Genie 'out appeared a angry and scary looking genie', The mood of the old man after his bad day 'Ali the old man was having a bad day and was in the foulest mood, he felt so sad after losing his close friend that he decided to go fishing, fishing is what he did when he was in a bad mood', The mood of Ali the old man when he pulled and pulled and pulled his fishing line 'excitedly' to be 'disipointed' by a boot and an old dirty smelly cup'
  • The sound of the genie when he came out of the bottle 'the genie roared out', when the bottle lid finally came off 'pop!' and the screeching noise coming from inside the bottle.
  • The smell of the three things found in the Arabian sea 'The boot smelt horrird' and the 'furmilure smell of his town' on his way home.
  •  The Sight of the lake 'afternoon time the water was dark and calm Arabian islands were in the distance, The sight of the bottle 'covered in red emeralds, rusty, Glinted in the light of the sun (wet)'. The sight of the genie when he appeared 'out of the bottle appeared a huge terrifying, scary, nails scarp as ravers, black long haired, angry looking Genie'.
  • Adding the 6 sense's makes the performs more exciting, adding discrition creates a better picture of the story for the audience, using their amagnation.
Narratives (Storyline)
  • We introduced the old man (Ali), what he looked like, his hobbies (fishing) his past (losing his wife) made him a sad lonely man who did care about his appearance, and that he was having a bad day, Abbi told why he was having a bad day (he had lost his last friend) and told that he was going to go fishing because he was upset, Ali (Me acting it out) paddled out to sea aggressively and stop, he got out his fishing stuff and sat thinking about his wife, He catches his first object leaning back and forth excitingly and being disappointed by discovering it was a boot, Ali throws it back in and throws the line back in, Ali catches his second object (I repeat the same motif) leaning back and forth excitingly and being disappointed again by a dirty cup, Ali throws it back and throws the line again Ali leans back and forth once more and catches this 'Glinting bottle, slightly dirty, heavy, wet, old, rushy' Ali opens it with difficultly we use sound for lip coming off 'pop!' out comes dust, mist and smock' causing Ali to sneeze and rub eyes' I take over the narrating whilst Abbi changes into a Genie, I describe the Genie. The Genie is upset by being stuck in the bottle of two thousand years and things that the Little old man diverse to be punished the old man Ali wind's up the Genie by calling him fake and making him prove that he is real by going back into the bottle and he does so, Ali gets back into his boat, puts the lid back onto the bottle and throws it back into the sea and goes home, his mood has changed to confused about what has just happened and his mind has been taken off of the lose of his friend and goes home just happy to be home and to have a cup of tea and a Arabian crumpets. I was sad when he lost his friend and you hear about his lose of his wife and him being alone. It was meant to be funny when Ali was fishing pulling on the fishing line and the little old man calling the Genie a fake.
  • We portrayed our characters by acting out the movements and emotions of our character whilst the other actor narrated what we were doing, Abbi 'Ali aggressively paddled out to sea after a whilst he arms eaked so he stopped he got out his fishing line and throw it out and waited, and waited then suddenly he felt a tug' whilst I'm acting it out sat on edge of stage. Abbi acted out the Genie and she showed this by standing on stage overlooking me and by angrily bellowing out a speak on why the genie was so angry. I acted out the old man by struggling to get up from floor after kneeling to the Genie and by walking hunched back.

Delivery (Holl performance)
  • The message at end was clear 'So if you're ever at the beach and you find a copper bottle' Abbi says 'be very careful opening it!' I say. It was not really a true learning story like (The boy who cried wolf, do not lye, and Goldy Locks and the three bears do not steal) messages.
  • We needed to know our words abit better at times there was trampled words 'mmmm's' thinking of our lines est..
  • go over performance more, or go over lines more maybe with eyes closed.
Not fully knowing your words in a performance wont make a professional performance, its un-realistic, it needs to be believable to the audience that the chractors are real.

  • We need more characterisation
If you are acting and it does not sout your chractor it is un-realistic and boring for the audience.

  • Vocable - characters voice instead of our own
  • Body langague - add more space out


I think today we made an inprovment last assessment we didn't have characterisation, a build up storyline, or not all the senses, today we used all the senses (Taste, Touch/feeling, Mood, Sound, Smell and Sight) we had characterisation but needs more though body language and characters voices and we had a build up story line it was more exciting and successful then our last performance.


I think our group had a good performance today but always room for improvement, The second group babayager and the bonny legged witch was better by they knew the lines well and they projected their lines out to the audience their talking was clear and loud, they moved around allot more adding adventure but their story had adventure ours did really their performance had allot of other characters in it and the two actors performed it well just though the two of them, you knew who was who at all times, there was (Eva the main little girl, the evil step mother, the dad who was away and comes back at the end, the bird that helps Eva on her journey, the skinny witch, the pale faced maid, who was slave to the witch but helps Eva to escape, and the cat who is owed by the witch but helps Eva to escape.

Today we did get too see all the performance so need to compare when see them.

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