Thursday 25 October 2012

Why it is important to pratice my singing and warm up exercises daily

Why it is important to warm up before singing

I will pratice my breathing control and vocal exercises to strengthen my singing muslces (Diaphragm and vocal cords) and make my singing better in range and tones. We warm up before singing to proper the muslces (just like any other exercise, we warm up first to strencth the muslces) so that they will be able to handle the strain and tension that we put on them to sing. From warming up you will have much more control over your voice and diaphragm and vocal warm up's help to ensure a long life of a healthy singing voice.
Heres a quote from a Learn to Sing web site

Its incredibly important to warm up your voice before you sing because
  • It will relax your voice 
  • Stop you from putting undue stress on your vocal chords. 
  • Strengthen your singing voice
  • Reduce or removes the cracks and  breaks between registers
  • Make it easier to reach the extremes of your voice

Examples of warm-up's:

  1. Humming - This will start getting your voice warmed up without tiring it out.
  2. Brrrr up and down the first 5 notes of a scale. You produce this sound by closing your mouth and putting your fingers on your cheeks so the inside of your cheeks are touching your teeth, and hum the sound brrr, try to make an even and constant sound when doing it - This warm up also helps warm up your voice but also helps to relax your throat and mouth, it also helps with placement.
  3. Staccato Ha's (short) "ha-ha-ha" on 1,3,5 of a scale. - This helps to exercise your diaphragm's flexibility.
  4. Siren noises. Make siren noises starting low going up really high and then back down again - This will help to start exercising your range.
  5. Major arpeggios. Use open vowel sound (ah, ay or o). Start off low and go up half a step each time  and go as high as you can but don't strain.

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